
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Thrifty Art Thursday: Salt Dough Candle Molds

This is a really simple and fun project that I did with my kids to make some really special candles for Imbolc. First we made a salt dough snake and started to curl it into a spiral:

We continued to coil and add snakes to make a bowl shape.

Then I threaded a needle with some heavy string, and pulled it through the bottom for the wick. I used a cotton swab to balance the wick so it goes through the center of the candle mold.

The I melted wax in a pan that I have dedicated to wax. It's impossible to clean once it's waxed. Thrift shops are a good source of cheap junk pans. While the wax is melting I sprayed the molds with canola oil spray. Then I poured the wax in the molds. I used ends of beeswax candles for the wax.

And Voila! Beautiful and unique candles that kids can help create.