Here's a test print of the princess bear block I've been working on. I think it's coming along very nicely. The water and the front of the bear still need some work, but I must say I think I'm getting the best detail work I've ever done in a block print. I'm also really happy with how it looks on my daughters spare sheet of writing paper. Alas, if only it was acid free...
Here's my new fall leaf themed blocks for my Etsy Team challenge. I like how they come out as tags for scrapbooking or gifts:
now I want to do ash and thorn....
And to complete my back to front adventure in printing here's my dining room table adorned with all my printing apparatus (otherwise known as my printing junk, but doesn't apparatus sound so much cooler?)
so awesome!
ReplyDeleteI am really in love with those leaf block prints and I think princess bear is stunning!
what a great way to use up the leftover ink :-)
I would enjoy seeing the results if you try printing over top of one of those pages.